
2014 Art project “Adizes Corporate LifeCycle: energy vision”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 February 2014 at 03:50 PM No comments

Although we all interact as persons, LifeCycle represents by energies. It comes the same way as a season, sometimes it seems to be independent from human will. Sometimes we can change our energy. Anyway, this is the question of business and also of hunam life.

We, human, may be active and passive towards energies. A passive, reactive way is just to use the energy comes without our efforts, and take it by granted.

Thet way people waste, overuse and then try to drop the empty place. This is the way of waste of any resourses so the LifeCycle curve comes. That way a business can stuck in Adolescense or comes to Primature Aging, or to Salem city.

When we are proactive, we can change ourselves and so to be syncronized with energy we prefer to be. Obviously, both for business and for private life we want to be in Prime and Stable. So we should focus our efforts on energies and understand what`s we want to gain and what`s we need to drop or change. So energy vision is the base to gain synchronous with it.

The same way a psychology technigues works, for example affirmations, or to anchor the best physical state in NLP. We feel the prefer state first and then we change our current state towards it.

As the result of the 2014 Art project "Adizes Corporate LifeCycle: energy vision" it will be about 10 paintings in new technigue represents each energy of the main curve of Corporate LifeCycle. So human culture will be enriched by art objects represents our best science and practice of human life.


Between Future and Past
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 February 2014 at 02:57 AM Comments(1)

Last year I was fired by ideas, sometimes enslaved by it. I did more then 40 big size paintings in order to create new possibilities to educate, to aware, then to develop new line in arts. It was a period without any thoughts how to, just go and do it. Now I am standing near decision what the right order should be.

Adizes system project mostly is in my head so it seems no problem to paint next 10 paintings. Next 3 about Mutual Trust and Respect system seems more complicating, I have several ideas to make experiments. And now I faces the new possibilities to continue my general strategy. My new projects will be concern Sustainabl development system. I plan to work with United Nations too.  Adizes system is great and I stay with the idea to make it more known as a part of normal human tools for own life.  The question is what a right sequence to the creation flows I should make.

Just needs the time to be cleared. I force myself not to paint that week. May be next week too. Now I concentrate to the new mind mapping to Sustainable development and to understand what exactly  Jeffrey Sachs did till that moment and what people are doing during his course. Then I will be ready to offer them several ideas and so on, and so on.

Preparations to Start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 January 2014 at 10:37 AM No comments

After so busy week I have my pleasure to get enough sleep. Once in my life I had an experience of 4-hours sleeping per day during 10 days. It seems like a life but without any wish to live at the end. So my first step for the start is to sleep well and then to take 2 big glasses of water for painting.

Nobody knows why I need 2 big glasses and why cold water must be taken from the bathroom, not from the kitchen. Why the shape of glasses is so important. But all time I pay attention to such small things in order to make the start right way.

For sure everyone has own mistery, small rituals of starting and finishing, special tools so friendly to hands. Such things are helpful to concentrate and to focus our power to a task.

So…This is the end of Snake year, next week will be the celebration of Horse year. I feel it really starts with good speed of changes, new contacts and new projects. I am finishing my preparation to New Year art process, prepare everything, and then let it comes. I desire to finish small things and just to be the channel for pure energy flows from space to the canvas, from mind to heart.

How to define the moment to Start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 January 2014 at 12:59 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, today this is the question how to catch the right moment to start. Right moment is so important so we can do complicated things easily, starting in right place, in right time. What is the key to define that moment?

Keys… the key… It can be different. If you feel the energy tide from inside, this is the right moment. If you see a situation call you this is the right moment too. Sometimes we can`t feel it when it comes, but suddenly realize ourselves working with enthusiasm and joy. So the right moment start you and rule everything. So nice.

If you have a glance to people who lose chances and never have an idea to catch a chance, you can see a common point in so different cass.

Such people are unprepared. This is the key. Unprepared mentally, emotionally, or too lazy to wake up in time, or late in technology. They are unprepared and so lose chance, even the best chance comes once in all life.

So preparation in different fields is the key to right start exactly when the right moment comes.

That`s why I prepared 10 canvases on the frames.

I was ready to start 3 weeks ago, but I was tired and weak physically. It was the right moment in mu soul but not right in general. Now I prepared everything outside, but situation call to me to help my friend. So I am busy now and can`t start, so this is not the right moment too.

When the right moment will come? Where? I don`t know.

I made everything ready and keep myself waiting for it, doing important things. I feel the right moment will come in short time and I`ll return to global feeling of tens future paintings and other projects, listening uncomposed music in my soul.

Everything comes in time. Be prepared for it.



2014 Adizes Art Project: it`s started!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 January 2014 at 01:00 AM No comments

Ok, the holidays finished and I am going to work! Several lectures per week and  many plans surround me all time.  Today I`ve started the process!

It`s the most annoying job in whole painting process: to put canvas on frames. They says I should enjoy it as a kind of meditation. I sould but actiually don`t. It`s seems as a waist of time. That`s why I prefer to it all frogs one time and to put at least 10 canveces on frames. At least it will be finished in one day and so allow me to paint free about a month without desturbing! So the process has started today. Now it`s night and I have 8 hours of lecturing next Saturday and Sunday so I have to go to bed now. See you! smile


#9 Point of Corporate Lifecycle: the Bureacracy point
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 December 2013 at 05:03 PM No comments

Hello friends, Today I would like to present you "Bureacracy point"  painting

Transition from   to   Is easy.

When I investigated inner space of human fears it was a special one presented in many horrible movies.
It includes several typical characters represents in all human sosieties as an Archetypes.
Living mummies. Ghosts.Zombie.
The worstn nightmares I used saw.
It was an interesting question why it was so scaring.
Many evil creatures represents in Archetypes (and movies) are much more powerful. Verwolfs, devils, demons, war creatures are not so scaring being much more powerful and destructive.
Whait is the reason?
I had that question and I founded the answer.

Active evil represents life. It can be an evil life, with strange habits, but the main characters is the same as for normal life (eating,  greed, emotions, desires, plans). It put such active creatures on the high rank of hierarchy. Sometimes they seems so natural so people associates with them (as in new film about vampires "Twilight"). Sometimes such evil creatures looks like just in one step from everyday people.
But zombie etc are another case.
It`s passive. It`s unnatural. Something, not Somebody.
This is the border. This is the cold horror. It is so un-natural so occupies the low positions in hierarchy.
This is something broken deeply inside, spirit gone, but still moving, still trying to rule, trying to make influence to the living world.
This is Bureacracy.

Such intervention is mechanical. Pretending to be functional it is an imitation by nature. It "lives" using real living energy but make nothing in return. Zombie use living energy just for itself, to feed own moves and no more. So zombie is enthropy without reason, without target. It use energy for nothing. And it still has human-like shape so it could be a moppet to more high hierarchy creatures, not good of cource. Active evil power could use it. From the other hand normal living creatures hardly able to have benefits from zombie systems.
Because zombie systems eat energy from living by cloak of a legal service.
It can`t be an appropriate service because of it`s nature: to use living energy to support own anti-life.

Traditionally people pay attention to active evil. But passive evil is more dengerous sometimes. No symptoms, no pain so no reason to ask a question about desease. Desease is energy loss like AIDS. It is not Death but Dying.
This is the process which can be more long and much more destructive then pure honour death.

In compare with previous paintings you can see no living anargy here. No living Yellow colours. No movements.

Dark, dust, enervate. But still formally powerful.
Still with authority.
Still covering by past trust.
Sometimes it covers itself by good ideas and masks.
In the worst this is (A) power of concentration camp.
This is the most scaring point in the LifeCycle.
One great psychology experiment proves how passive "zombie"  behaviour can be produced by special circumstances in normal people.
For example Stanford prison experiment (SPE) by Dr.P.Zimbardo represents how passive obeying produce an active evil . Participants were recruited and told they would participate in a two-week prison simulation.  Out of 70 respondents, Zimbardo and his team selected the 24 males whom they deemed to be the most psychologically stable and healthy.
The guards and prisoners adapted to their roles more than they were expected, stepping beyond the boundaries of what had been predicted, leading to dangerous and psychologically damaging situations. After C.Maslach confronted Zimbardo (the creator of (A) rules of the Experiment)  and forced him to realize that he had been passively allowing unethical acts to be performed under his supervision, Zimbardo concluded that both prisoners and guards had become grossly absorbed in their roles and realized that he had likewise become as grossly absorbed in his own, and he terminated the experiment.

It was the evidence how (A) rules creates the worst situation and most destructive roles even for normal people.

More or  less rigid cases of Beaurocracy represents everywhere in normal life. It is so invitingly to forget it so it needs more historical, philosophy and cultural tools to understand what is the problems of that point of corporate LifeCycle.

Thank you for being with me,

#8 Point of Corporate Lifecycle: Salem-city
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 December 2013 at 09:55 PM No comments

Hello friends,

Today I would like to present you "Salem-city" painting.

It was no problem to imagine it because such point of Lifecycle used to be a big part of life in previous times and it remains for today in several organizations. It seems sometimes Salem-city starts before Aristocracy comes to exists. I observed it as the back side of Aristocracy on the lower positions of management. It starts from destruction of projects an so prepares the situation to destroy people more easy way.

It seems a kind of homogeneous similarity and connection between Premature Aging and Salem-city. Something in structure seems invert but in the core there is something very similar.

That`s the destruction, sometimes hidden, sometimes it smells sweet, sometimes it cimes in agressive style, with many faces.
So I am questioning what is the early signs of the process?  How to diagnose it before weels of destruction have turn?

Being a witness of that process I came to conclusion it was a kind of ancient rithual, sometimes very close to cannibalism. I saw how people with strong life feeling remained healthy in such circumstancies. Unfortunately such health made them feel pain when prosecutors was anaesthetized by their fear.

That point of life is the most painful for me. As I saw it destruction pointed on the best parts of the life, most lively, prospective,  yangest. It works against life. All things sucrificed for nothing, no result just a ghost of fever activity. It melts high position managers in complicity with illusion of safe.
I guess if people understand what is the metter of that point of Lifecycle, and how it comes just on the way Aristocracy comes it will be less losses. That`s the reason to lears LifeCycle.
Thank you for being with me,



Art Project “Adizes Corporate LifeCycle”: going to the film
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 December 2013 at 06:26 PM No comments

Hello everybody, Anna is here to update her blog! Oh my god, I didn`t make new posts that week! Too many things to do, too much to learn! Now I feel a little bit free finished "Stable Point" painting, the most complicated. So now I put my mind in charge to think about the films I want to make.

I realized many things I want to tell about by movie. A short ones, of course. But I want to make it work for people see it.

So it will be not just a movie about how paintings was done. I desode to put another content inside that task. The same content which allows me to put together the best ideas change the  world, visual thinking and learning process. This is the philosophy behind my activity. Not just a peace of art - but Art and Knowledge which plays roles for the sake of people observe it.

So it takes time. I am sure to create several movies and present it in 2014, in January. So many things to tell about, so many possibilities. So I force myself to think about several projects simultaneously using internal possibilities of human brain to calculate several streams of information in sunconsciousness with controle of the mind. Now several movie projects become more clear. However I have to think about more to cut out unnesassary details and alow important details to be clear.

So now I collect 7 main projects in one book to control the process and to write ideas immideately it comes to me.

Sure it will be soon! Thank you for being with me!


The sunset: Aristocracy point of the LifeCycle
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 December 2013 at 08:03 PM No comments
Hello friends! Several words about next painting! When I started to visualize Lifecycle points in simple style with human figures I had the target to pay attention to the dramatic transitions between life points.

From leadership acting in Prime   to the superior position in Stable     

the transition to Aristocracy is dramatic


Painting energy will be later, it will be correct to the subject and may be more beautiful. But dancing energies has no human feelings.  All energies is equal. This is just the different vibrations.
But for people energies is not equal. Everyone wants to stay in Prime and Stable, noone wants cost to exist. As I understand it, the main target of the System is to help organization to gain Prime/Stable point and to stay here as long as it possible. Obviously Prime and Stable are preferable. So people of every age could feel it naturally observing pictures, being experienced and educated that way.
That is the reason behind the design of each painting.
What is the features of the Aristocracy?
Everything coded here, on the picture.
Long rectangular table with rank seats, rigid look. Who occupies the superior position it doesn`t matter. Everything is put into ceremonial order.

Lively creating power which gained the prosperity now is banished. Something seems like a glass wall separates management from the reality of today and more from future reality.

Reach state of Aristocracy represents by gold ingots used as presser. This is the mark of continuous power and prosperity. It is not a prosperity by actiions.  It`s a prosperity of storage, of ownership. This is "to have" but not "to do".  An expensive peace of art on the wall is the only light spot in the room. Heavy curtains, heavy figures, heavy mood.
So no life here.
Such kind of ownership represents by patriarchal sosieties and religions. Obviously they expect to freeze everything and everyone in order to rule forever.

This is a lot of thin nervous lines in that painting. It represents energies out of control, changes which happens naturally, unchecked failure of important functions.

The figure represents the Organization lost superior position,  obviously forever. She has bleeding wounds on her hands because of her attempts to survive.
No way to communicate about real needs. No possibilities to attract atention because people at the table enjoyed their ownership having gold in their hands.
This is the dark side.
Changes in energy of that point represents by proportions and strokes. It turnes from deformation to degradation. 

Intermissive nature of that black strokes means the process is not so rigid so it could be a hope to turn back to Stable.

I painted that piece of art quickly because I know personally what is the Aristocracy.

Education is power. So that power should be delivered wider in different ways.
Thank your for being with me,

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