Hard week night
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 May 2010 at 01:57 PM

Wow, it was hard week! Thanks god I was able to check student`s works successfully and eventually had a short free time for my paintings etc. 

As you see it was tonight, mostly near 3-4 AM. If you think it is really my free time you are not right. The day before yesterday on of my graduate students caught me in Skype and told the toughtful story about himself. He had no possibilities to write the graduatuon work before and want to send me the plan only today. He hope he could do all work in holyday sunday-monday and then send it to me (at 5:00 AM I guess). Another student said about his stress because of 2-weeks old doughter. One of girls sent me the work without title list, without theme and even her name. Next 3 students did the same so I had no ideas what kind of work it was and who were the happy authors. Students… Students! The pleasure to i involve in development process and pain of it.

OK, OK, I was the same in my time! (thanks God it will never come back).

For this reason today I overslept everything and therefore cancel my holyday plans, stay at home doing boring homework and trying to plan my activity for the next week. Also I prepared some matherials for the next works, paintings, projects and plans to seize the world. Double-sides brain can calculate many tasks in one time (if I sleep right time).  So this is no time for training jim :-( . And I have the free time for  work with colors, my own pleasure. grin grin grin





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