Fun Picture
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 December 2011 at 05:17 PM

Sometimes I send a serious idea into my ‘brain-processor’ and allow it to think. That way is much more productive and allow to make several pojects in the same time. To help the process I frequently make a fun pictures like that: "Two Samurais Walking Tonight".

One of the conditions for such mind mode is to be relaxible but active. So I prefer to draw something simple staying in bed. Oh, how I like it! smile smile smile This picture is about two samurais belongs to Edo period (I hope so), they are a little bit drunk. They are friends supports each other and now they are going home after a party telling each other ghosts just for fun.

But sometimes we speak about something mysterious without having a thought what it will be if mystery comes to our life. May be it somewhere not far away?..

At the end I was liven up with the idea and make a Dragon drunk too. Such a moment! Just imagine how samurais turns back and what thay could see… may be they run away? But it is possible being solidary with the drunk Dagon they’ll invite him to have sake together that night. smile smile smile

So awesome!! As like you your posted every fun picture seems to me really funny. Last picture is really fantastic from all side. Thanks mate and keep it up.

Thank you smile smile

Many thanks for this article. I will also like to talk about the fact that it can end up being hard while you are in school and just starting out to create a long credit score.

Pretty good.If you wanna to record funny video with your webcam, you will need software to record. I have been using it.

Nice job, really good article mate

I will definitely recommend this to my friends

nice art.pretty keep up the good with see the funny arts.

One great way to add warmth and style to your room is to invest in some colorful wall art painting as it can give a warm glow to your home as well as giving it a bit of a lift and adding some color and interest.

I love to draw, but not serious. just doodling and drawing pictures for fun. The only thing that made me give you four out of five was that it was a little tricky, but after a while I got the hang of it and had a lot of fun.

A little tricky is the base point of the picture smile .
Thank you for your attention!

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