Making steps forward: How to protect Authors and Investors
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 June 2015 at 03:56 PM

Hello everybody, just to raise my head from the last stage of 1st step projectwork, and to separate future posts from the past, here it is some of my curren?t activities I can show. That`s too many. Too much. And I succeed it. This is the price of being innovators, the true price of true creation.

If somebody tell you, all things is simple, it could be different cases. First of all, check if the subject`s proved clearly by an author`s biography. When we work professionally, with whole passion, we can`t count our efforts. When a successful idea became clear it is like a birth of a baby: noone remember, it was 9 months of not easy work before. The only thing which matters is the idea eventually became visible and well prepared, so it seems easy. That`s the way how it works.That`s why I have to post many blog posts without edition, even with tippo and unperfect grammar: it proves I am doing all of this by myself, online, showing the situation as it is now in reality. In our world when fake authors are publishing fake articles wrote by payed ghost-authors the only way to prove own position is to make everything in texts more natural, less perfect. That`s also the price of the genuine product, if you can see any project book or project notes, non of them are perfect in grammar and style. There have a strogng function to make footprints and marks of the road of an inventoe, and this is the strongest prove to a product to be genuine.

If the subject doesn`t proved by the objectives of an author`s biography, "easy" means it was stolen. That`s really easy as many animals do, just look how Arctic pinguins are stoling eggs from each others. So it seems easy. For example, it is not a secret then Malevich steel the idea of Black Square which was done by another autrhor 2 years before.

That`s why I have to make it absolutely clear for my clients, investors and other interesting sides, everything I am doing is clearly proved, accurately documented and every interested person could check it. I have to think forward and to protect the genuine creators and investors. That`s why my work needs to pay extra attention (and extra time, and extra energy too) to make additional ensurance and really well planing to protect the claster of projects and to allow it to growth for the sake of each country who want to nourish new culture and attract new investments that way.

The planing to that summer is nearly finish so it seems I will take the shedule of minimum 2 posts per week. One about investments in Art, or Art history, and one about what I am doing.  In the additional post number three I plan to bring some humor and relaxation and make some tips how to make you mind work effective and efficient. That`s all about how to keep the mind refreshed during hard business work. So, you will see something curious.

This is exectly the way how Antifragility works.

See you soon!

That`s my Main Project boars with 7 layers of project sheets smile





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