Sustainability is wisdom, wisdom is sustainability
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 February 2015 at 11:37 AM No comments

If we ask ourselves, what is really sustainable things produced  by mankind, you can see: it is culture, wisdom carefully preserved in proverbs, arts. All of this things became stronger with time passing. Click the picture below:

Today I would like present you Chinese proverb about education: "Jade must be carved and polished before it becomes an ornament, man must be educated before he can achieve great things"
from the new Wallpaper seria: "Sustainability, Culture, Wisdom" which is created to return treasures of human civilization in our everyday life.


In Chinese:


We are living at the edge of changes, in turbulence. It requires to make out unsustainable, wrong things which produce mess and waste. Also it requires to nourish right things which are the base for sustainable development. It is important, the first time in human history we are trying to manage our limited resourses in wise way. We are seeking sustainable solutions, to control waste, to found smart decisions,  pioneering solutions, to build new nechnologies, to overcome the dark size of our nature.

It is strange to see, how blessing of Internet technology leads people to debt about importance of education. It is unsustainable to think, that downloading texts and copypasting concerns education. HUman brain have to proceed a question to produce own decisions and it changes it`s structure for better, professional shape that way only.

That seria of wallpapers with the New Sustainable Hero PG Cat in light modern languige of graphics reminds us about great things which are so important to help us every day, to help us to overcome past and to build the better future we want for ourselves, to our close and distant curcle.

Let`s download 1920x1080 wallpaper here

#UN, #UnitedNations,

#ActOnClimate, #climate2014, #ClimateChange,
#Sustainability, #SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG, #SDG,  #WorldChange, #CWNYC,
#lowcarbon, #economy, #future, #PioneeringDecisions,  #NewTechnology,
#CleanEnergy, #NewGenerationArt, #Science, #Art&Science,  #PoweroofArt,
#ArtforEducation, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,  #ManageChanges,
#Leadership, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

#NewGenerationArt, #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt,  #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal, #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate,  #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education, #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation,  #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness, #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation,  #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,

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