I love stars, it was the reason I wanted to be a physicist. I love to see Hubble`s pictures, and ceiling in Hogwards (Harry Potter films) - I would starring to it all nights if I studed in it… And now my dream about stars is coming into reality. I`ve bought SEGATOYS HomeStar PRO 2nd (21st Century Home Planetarium), the High-Tech Home Planetarium, and Southern Hemisphere stars too. When I
Yesterday I bought new device IntelliPen - digital pen, and being happy to organize my sketches and ideas that way suddenly started new AB Twins Paintings. I`ve just finished lines and strokes in black, so it seemed I`ll finish both next week. Hopes it will be soon!
Hello my friends! Today we have snow, I feel the first cold of winter ant this is the right time to present you the second sibling from my last AB Twins. As "Squeezed" is 27X37 cm size, "The Hanged" is about 4 times bigger: 80X100 cm. Together it looks like this:
Represents die away state, a little bit danger and totally constrained. And "The Hanged":
At the first look it is the opposite
Have you ever feel yourself mentally or emotionally narrowly? An influence of circumstances, time pressure and even our body health state sometimes force us to feel it. NO place to extand limbs or thoughts as if you was forced to stay into small box… Even no place to take a breath.
As we feel such state there could be the desire to broke walls, obligations, stupid people, slow time. In such
One of the main exciting thing in my life was the fact East science of life development came close to Western theories and pactice. I investigated both religions and science and found it very close in kernel things, sometimes even in methods. Look: theory of Buddhism is to gain freedom by escaping chains and ignorance. The Goldratt Theory en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldratt in management and
Such a beautiful date so the good time to wish .
I am happy to claim my new Active Base Twins finished. I`ll describe both inlater posts with big pictures.
And now want only to point them here, both started at the end of October and finished last Friday.
Not very old but I have several paintings in classical technigue needs to finish. I think today is the best to do it.
Subj! I`ll make pictures tomorrow today.
P.S. I don`t want but should go to bad.