Brief news: The Conference of Dr. Adizes in Moscow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 May 2013 at 05:00 AM No comments

Hello everybody, the break news is Dr.Adizes personally invited me to his conference in Moscow. Hot news will be later when I`ll prepare matherials, now I have to run doing business so see you next post! Who is Ichak Adizes see here

  Accept my hello and be ready to something exceptional! smile smile smile

Morning pleasures: Dragonwell tea and secret plot
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 May 2013 at 06:19 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I have to confess my custom to eat, drink and sleep with a project is fruitful but not so healthy. So I am trying to go to sleep ealier (not at 4 AM) and get up ealier too. So I was trying to remember what`s exactly is good in a morning if I have no sea here, and I remembered at least 3 things.

First of all is to paint the base things to an art object just because it`s boring

Ab Painting#9: Adizes`s system; The Courtship Stage
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 May 2013 at 09:13 PM No comments

Today I would like to present you the next stage of Lifecycle Curve by Dr.Adizes - in his terms it calls "The Courtship Stage" and actually situated in the first position of the curve. Undoubtfully we all know what`s it means!

In that point a Founder of a organization, or a beginner of a family, or an inventor starts to talk about his/her ideas to attract other people to that activity. Here

Ab Painting#8: Founder`s Dream
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 May 2013 at 09:06 AM No comments

Ok, hello everybody, I`ve recovered and even made a secret plot during my illness, so now I should turn to the pleasant subject: How Our Dreams Starts. That painting represents zero stage of Dr.Adizes`s Lifecycle curve. Actually that stage is not represented on the curve but it is the base to everything else.

How our dreams comes? From what? To whom? What is the reason one could dreaming and

A minute for have my Pause
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 May 2013 at 10:37 AM No comments

It seems I overuse my body that month and no i am a little bit ill. Cold, less sleaping etc. Self-treatment wasn`t so helpful as I expected so I visited doctor yesterday. She prescribed me some new antibiotic and now I feel much more good. Anyway I must be ok in a couple days, no time to be ill just a minute to have a pause…

a pause in what? World never stops. River of time never be back.

CyberWar Art Project: Being in and out
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 May 2013 at 09:07 PM No comments

Ok, hello everybody, I am here with you, partly in present  - partly in future. Actually I am doing 2 projects one time, one of them is CyberWar, and the second is about Adizes`s leadership development (see it in my next post)

Both projects are healthy, CyberWar Sections 1-2 now contains 24 art objects from 40. Art about Dr.Adizes`s leadership is in good heaalth too and contains 4 finished

ABPainting #7: Shalom. In memory of my Grandma
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 May 2013 at 06:09 AM Comments(1)

Today thare is goverment high day, Winning in II World War. Also this is my privat high day, birthday of my late Grandma, Riva Chudnovsky. Born in 1917 she overcame 2 wars, alone raised 2 sons, works hard all life taking care of everyone. She has 2 grand doughters and grandson, and Anna is the elder one.

So that day and that painting I dedicate for her memory, remembering her strength,

CyberWar: the Hidden History
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 May 2013 at 09:00 PM No comments

My CyberWar project will be presented widely later so I shoudn`t reveal it`s purpose and particular arts. But here it is a mosaic, fragments to show how the process is going on and on, each day.

CyberWar Art project covers two areas of our activity vulnerable to CyberWar - personal and public fields. That`s why I include many human figures represents human senses and desires in both sections.

CyberWar Art Project: 19 from 40 made in April
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 May 2013 at 04:14 PM No comments

Today is the right time to make list of tasks to the May. During April I did 19 art objects for CyberWas project, mostly in big size. Actually it`s 17 for Section 1 and 2 for Section 2, so I prefer to reccognize it as a good result.

Also I did i painting to Dr. Ichak Adizes , having my plan to make about 20 painting deducates to his great system of management. I

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