ActiveBase Art: New GTP
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 August 2017 at 05:59 PM No comments

It is not easy to work during holidays, however I`ve managed to make 10 new Genuine Tree Profiles. All of them represent the Violet level of ActiveBase Art system and now wait to be colored in my studio. Looking forward to that moment!


#ActiveBaseArt #GenuineTreeProfile

ActiveBase Art`s Holidays: Hello from Paradise
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 August 2017 at 11:30 AM No comments

Hello everybody, after so hard working year I`ve got my holidays at Corfu as I am doing during last 9 years. For a month I have been just relaxing, absorbing perfection of the nature, enjoying my dear friends.


For sure I am doing some project work:


You know, the happiness is to do what you love in the place you love, being surrounded by people you love. Wish you to be happy at any


#ActiveBaseArt #Corfu #Holidays #Annamain

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