Hello everybody! Today I would like to present your my new AB seria "Marketing" deducated to intuitive and brain development method to learn how does it works. Maketing growth from the first steps in Ice Age but today we can see the same in several points of our life so it`s the reason to be able to detect it.
Being professional in Management I feel a strong need to spread it`s ideas to another pats of our life in order to make it more clear and allow people to have tools to understand situations using own intuition in short time. That`s why I started my new seria about business, management and marketing.
Ice Age Marketing is the process between persons or groups moved by great needs for living but also poor interest to each other and poor understanding if it could be better method to negociate or better way to make dials. This is no thoughts but more instinctive movements and desires, more readiness to strugle without mind about backwash, and this is no feeling of time. Emotional and instinctive part of our collective unconsciousness have no time, no tomorrow therefore the prise for a deals could be too much the same way as Jacob offered to give Esau a bowl of stew in exchange for his birthright (the right to be recognized as firstborn), and Esau agreed. Thus Jacob fairly buys/exchanges Esau’s birthright. This is believed to be the origin of the English phrase "mess of pottage". en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esau
If you think this example concened an ancient times only you would be surprised the fact it is actual for our dayes. Such things is covered by our emotional life but advertisments use it. Also it exists in relationship if one side is emotionally addicted and another side has a strong desires to rule etc. Such way Ice Age Marketing exists and we should be ready to recognize it.
To sum up that essay I would like to describe several signs of an old situations you could involve in such IceAge Maketing games:
1. Needs and desires rules the process;
2. You couldn`t feel the time and tomorrow doesn`t exist for your feelings;
3. Information is poor and unclear;
4. Nobody want to understand if a better way exists;
5. Ancient parts of our psycho such as old customs (like sexism, machism etc.) rules conversations and thoughts.
I could type more signs but for sure it`s enough to remember a situation your involved or observed. The marks, signs is the same in all situations so this AB Painting is my attempt to help people to recognize it.