#9 2012 Gallery; New AB Marketing seria #2 “Marketing Before Kotler”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 May 2012 at 12:24 AM

The second painting from my Marketing seria names "Maketing Before Kotler". What is it? This is the point wild instinctive marketing (like Ice Age Marketing annamain.org/site/comments/8_2012_gallery_new_ab_marketing_seria_1_ice_age_marketing/  ) starts changing into mental activity with targeting.

This is the same period as in animal`s evolution when first fishes started to digest earth territories. The same moment is a baby starts to srawl, the same whan a teenager questioned life about his/her place. Symbolically this is the period of trials, mistakes, trying to recondition old habits into new qualities, attempts to live easy but gain,  contradictions with previous style of living, and first attempts to get mental models of life.

All of us once felt it, sometimes such periods was unpleasant because of mistakes, sometimes it was unclear. Such times could be longer then we want, especially in new project starting. Young writers meet that period when they create a new novel, with strong feeling of importance but also in obscure about how benefit it would be.

Disbalance between potencial and reality is an important part of our life, we growth from our past to best (as we hope) future both by our physical  attempts and mental understanding, from chaos to order, from instincts to discipline, from mass to predictable targets. That AB Painting deducates for that hard period of gowth we all pass on.





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