2014 Gallery

Climate Change 2014 Project

Human civilization in planetary boundaries

Bases on The Age of Sustainable Development course by Dr.Jeffrey Sachs (Sustainable Development Solutions Networkfor UN www.unsdsn.org) and United Nations`s call for action www.un.org Started 15 of June, the day concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere are surpassing 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in human history.
Bases on The Age of Sustainable Development course by Dr.Jeffrey Sachs (Sustainable Development Solutions Network for UN www.unsdsn.org ) and United Nations`s call for action www.un.org . Started 18 of August, the day United Nations launches 500 Days of Action for the Millenium Development Goals to build a better world.
Bases on real actions by world leaders called for Climate Summit by United Nations www.un.org Started 23 of September 2014, the day of Climate Summit in New York where the world leaders will make the first step to catalize actions in planetary boundaries.

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