#17 2012, Business seria: OutSourcing`s coming
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Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 December 2012 at 11:11 AM

We live in the period of postindustrial phase of Economy and sosiety en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postindustrial  and many parts of life are changing. That painting is pointed on a new phenomena - Outsourcing.

Internet brokes barriers of distance and informational barriers too. Suddenly we realize then it s possible to work in one project with people far away from us. As they are the best pofessionals or has another advantages to do a job we can gain better results with them then with people in our surrounding. Outsourcing becames the part of business and makes things done better, faster, cheaper, more creative. Our world develops that way as far as Internet drops barriars.

But the process doesn`t comes easily. Barriers of political borders, laws of diffrent countries and different living styles, resistance exists on own territory - everything makes interception to outsourcing development. Even if it is corect documents and proves, a really good inventions and business planing, resistance and interceptions seems like a laser guard lines covers space between current position of outsourcing and the place somebody needs it.

It`s not simple because we can`t simply ruin barriers. Sometimes we must wait to the better moment, sometimes it neds more flexibility then we expected to penetrate into a project. Sometimes time loss is so huge then becomes dengerous and unable to make correct action in poject management. Sometimes nobody is responsible for a project`s delay but circumstances exists behind our willings.

So we have a painful process of birth. Better connections makes it more easy. Resistance makes it more complicated. Differencies makes it more unclear then we expect. But the process`s coming, nevetheless one`s resist it or want it, because the world has changed and this is the only way business processes gowth.





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