#19 2012, Business seria: Investment- bottom view
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 December 2012 at 08:18 PM

That painting focused on investment which is one of the most important parts of long term business en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Investment

As a majority of processes investment can be described from two positions. One is about how projects have competitions to be interesting to investor, how to pay his attention. If it seems as if we observe investment process from the bottom side.That picture is pointed in strong competition and how to recognize what project is prospective, what is just a dream of ego, what project was silently started before and now needs support to grow; what project is too much expensive, or much advertized being a zero in real volue. Sometimes it could be hard to realize in short time what a detail worth to pay attention, what is not even if it became annoying.
From the bottom side investment process could seem pretty hard. Time is important, business like a boiling sea changes all time and an investor should stay strong keeps equilibrium, in consciousness, estimating all possibilities, providing power to support projects with will to change the world.





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