2 weeks in Shanghai
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Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 April 2012 at 11:50 PM

Hello everybody! I am in Shanghai now, actually it`s my 7th day here.

It`s a paradise exactly!

Iam visiting my dear friends Maria Terekhina and Ilya Michasenko here.many trees starting to blossom, tulip trees are amazing, especially pink.

I spent in TianTai Mountings 3 days. This is important place for a Buddist because this is  the Tiantai school - one of the leading schools of Chinese Buddhism en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiantai

The temples situates among mountings and trees, near waterfalls and seems as a piece of cinece traditional painting. Mountings is amazing zo it was so sad to leave it and I hope visit it next year and stay here more time.

Jade green waters stoled my heart forever.

I would like to leave near here a part of an year and feel such divinity more and more.


These photos are stunning, Anne. I remember Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith’s scenes in The Karate Kid when I look at these. China’s rich culture is portrayed with the one-of-a-kind sites you can see there.

Lofty bye, sweet friend smile

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