A Grain of Sand: making Unity
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 April 2014 at 11:53 AM

This is the pure mistery how a process comes to the reality from unvisible world.

IN many ways to start, the right one is to make feelings so fine and the mind so silent and sharp just to be a witness how the smallest grain of isea`s sand drops into right media to became a pearl in future.

Sometimes I feel how something happens but have no ideas to what exectly it links. Unable to put things into one unity, in right sequence I feel myself burdened with many pieces. Just to survive I make drawings which can show me some hidden additional info. Then I try to combine it with events, circumstances, ideas, projects, time lines, people…

Several different events seems so different so I can`t count for what part of a puzzle it can be applyed. How and when all pieces comes together?

Sometimes a smallest grain make it possible.

Today it happened when I roamed here and there trying to catch the moment of truth and suddenly broke my middle lamp for painting.


No middle lamp any more.

This is the second time I do it with the same lamp and the same circumstances. And this is the second time it becomes the grain of sand.

Revising my project books yesterday I realized about 17 projects ready to be implemented, made in details, but with no right sequence. So it was delayed.

Today, exectly 30 min ago, I realized what to do and how the right sequence should be. Not should… how it must be to give "healthy birth" (the term by Dr.Ichak Adizes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichak_Adizes   whith whom I work now to visualize ideas into art objects with educational potential) to whole entity I carry.

That vision worth all waiting I suffered from. All small pieces comes together that way.

From the small grain of base concept, through our Coursera course "The Age of Sustainable Development" by Jeffrey Sachs  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Sachs , the course I will have my final exam next week…

All terms and subjects appears as a perls beaded on one string. So beautiful it is.

So rare that exciting feelings when the whole entity  blossoms into lotus of real projects, each petal is a new project which are united in one steam stretching to heaven.

I keep that feeling strong. Now, having it, I realized what my several days drawing means.

So, I see the whole post looks as a kind of puzzle. I made it to celebrate that significant moment, in which uncertain potential drops into future reality. Waiting produce fruits.

My deep gratitude to my friends who accompany me in all of my search.

My special thanks to Natalia Viliaeva www.facebook.com/natalya.vilyaeva , FreeCat the Hidden www.2a.ru , Maria Chudina www.facebook.com/maria.chudina.1  ,my best offline friends,

and my online friends from many countries all over the world:

Tony Toledo from Philippines www.facebook.com/tony.toledo , Raven Moondancer from USA www.facebook.com/raven.moondancer , Ilia Alomia from Equador www.facebook.com/ilia.alomia , Anita Venter from South Africa www.facebook.com/flowerfountain .

I will specify everything and everyone later, in the best moment for each.

For now it is the moment to pay my respect to human spirit who make union possible.

Thank you friends, I am going to work.

it is good that you paint, Anna. your paintings help those who do not speak Russian to understand more deeply what your are creating and sharing with the world.

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