Hello my friends! Today we have snow, I feel the first cold of winter ant this is the right time to present you the second sibling from my last AB Twins. As "Squeezed" is 27X37 cm size, "The Hanged" is about 4 times bigger: 80X100 cm. Together it looks like this:
Represents die away state, a little bit danger and totally constrained. And "The Hanged":
At the first look it is the opposite state, feeling of total freedom etc. You can see it on her face, expression of hands… But look to her left leg. She isn`t free. This is not the opposit state to Squeezed (in Tarot en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_of_Swords ). This is the next step to freedom in consciousness, so treasure for modern people, especially in business and relationship. Literary the next step.
In business we are not so free as we want. We have to make movements strictly under a contract`s borders, in negotiations we ought to make compromise, sometimes we are dependant from our partners more then we want. As we all live in one planet in the Globalization period we all more or less depends from each other.
In relationships we are free at the beginning and as we becomes closer more differencies appears during we pullulates to each other. This is the simple thing to love the whole world. But the great art, sometimes challenge, is to love the people close to you. This is double side thing, witn euphoria of mutual love, and sadness of small things couses life troubles, flip-flap.
In our life we could feel ourselves stronger and dependant from hormones in youth, enthusiastic but less experiance and understanding, sometimes stupid. When we growth elder by age and experience, and more with understanding, we could feel less physical freedom, but actually more financial and mental possibilities.
In psychical life we are free individuals dependent from an ancient programs of our anchestors, sometimes maleficent for our individual life.
"The Hanged" relates to the next great Archetype of our psychic, in Tarot this is "Hanged Man" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hanged_Man_(tarot_card), in Astrology it relates with several configurations of planets… and so on, and so on. Billion things of our life represents in that state.
So this is the point: are we free when we are hanged? Can we be free as we stay attached?..
This is the question hides answers. I place it crypting in that painting.
Even as you found youself hanged, first of all you have not to despair. This is normal for many processes and have many advantages. Feel your hunged-point as a support. Feel it`s limitation with possibilities. Then try to spread your freedom, control your every movement with care make it gingerely. Your hands are free, the same for your head and other leg. So you can use it for more knowledge. Investigating own limitations you could foung it more fruitful then previous "freedom". Try it as something new. Feel it. Learn a new path of care in desires, new movement in vertical space.
This is the way to understand new things and so truly be free. And more others things.
This is "The Hanged" by Anna Chudnovsky, October-November 2011