Complaints and moans
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 November 2010 at 10:49 PM

Ok, the weather is sucks next time, is`t still dark at 9:30 AM and became dark at 16:00. I don`t know how to survive that winter and the life seemes as endless Groundhog Day.  Damn it! I changed the design of my bedroom and bed-clothes to emerald-green and sea-blue and feel a bit better… than a prisoner.

As I listen music and feel the colors then darkness steps back for a while. Thanks god something in my mind could feel colors and music better then real dark atmosphere. But the body prepared to dormancy. I am lazy to do my yoga several days… not good, but I can`t. May be it is something like protest from the life and weather nonsense, something inside belive if I scream and yell and found an enemy responsible for that situation and probably kill him something will change.  I know, I feel another world just behind that cloudy sky…

Every cell of my body protest from that climate and situation. It is not hate but deep abruption.  But I can`t change it. So I have to change myself, to use bright colors and relive the dark times, so I force myself to stand up and to act. May be to seek colors of light?

It is so easy to lose youself in the darkness, even if you know how to light.

This is a fantastic piece, I discovered your site browsing aol for a similar topic and came to this. I couldnt find to much other details on this article, so it was nice to find this one. I will probably be back to look at some other posts that you have another time.

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