Deep Things in Anna`s new art technigue
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 December 2010 at 12:38 PM

Everyone has a subject feels important, serious, deep. One person considers a business is the most important part of the life, another prefers sex, third person choose children, family or religion; generally one thing for one person. I have another mind.

Everything important fuses into one integrative experience without words, more then sex, more then business and money, more than family, more then official religion`s separation. To feel genuine energies, to feel it behind proceses, behind concepts and limits, this is the ultimate thing. Everything we know in our life is the special case of general processes, energies, moving power. The breathing of Existence never stops, but in it`s deep centre it is in quiescency. I feel it as heaven opens and over clouds I feel rounding galaxies, stars and the power causes it.

This is no possibility to transmit it by ordinary words or sounds; only in poetry  or music without words.

This is no way to show it by traditional painting technigues so I made myself to invent a new technigue I calls "inpainting". Existance never stops, it is active. So I invent the active technigue of painting, in which the canvas itself breathes and takes part in creation as a partner.

It`s impossible to change any stroke or colour  in my ‘inpainting’ technigue. I did many experiments with canvas to found the true active fibre to my partner in art. Actually the fiber has a complex structure to suck in my colours and save it inside. It literary drinks the colours and you can`t  totally control it as an artist could control oil or another colours covers a passive canvas. With my new technigue the active canvas made every my act as the final the same way we can`t change our past. But I can predict how it will be and regulate the process the same way we can manage our risks.

As the result the colours of my arts not only covers the surface of canvas. As I feel the power flows through our bodies, through objects and space, even through time, my colours flows inside the canvas, conducted by fiber, concentrated inside.

This is intuitive, inner, inside INpainting by Anna Chudnivsky you can see here

My new technigue and new style to show things behind the traditional surface view.


I need to say, as very much as I enjoyed reading what you had to express, I couldnt support but lose interest following a while. Its as should you had a good grasp on the subject matter matter, but you forgot to include your readers. Perhaps you should think about this from more than one angle. Or perhaps you shouldnt generalise so much. Its far better if you take into consideration what others may have to say rather than just going for the gut reaction for the theme. Consider adjusting your own thought procedure and giving other people who may study this the benefit of the doubt.

Superior web site.

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