Fresh scetches, very fresh!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 August 2012 at 02:50 PM

Well, although I don`t work here so intense then I planed, I`ve made several scetches. This is the olive tree I saw in Paleokastriza:

I use craft paper for scetching to feel free out of details, so the pictures seemes dark. But if you have a moment to imagine what is below the lines you could feel how it is in eality.

Here it is glicinia, just from here, restoran. The day after it dryes so my scetch is the last point of it:

... and sweet rounded stones from a nameless small beach between Hefira and Rovinia available only by flippers:

Such scetches is not self-sufficient pictures but the windows I use to refeel how it was and then transform it into another picture, another feeling, another view may be far away from the basic, started from earth, facing to stars.





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