Funny pictures from my meal
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 August 2012 at 10:57 AM

Today I have a little bit sadness mood, 1 week out of sea, it`s raiining then shining and raining again so I deside to check my Corfu pictures to have a rest. That seria is about the food.



That visit to Corfu I tryed to forget the law "Never play with food". It suddenly started when I realized that after having my dinner (greec salad) I still have 6 olive bones. That season I took my chinese chopsticks because it more elegant and more comfortable to eat that way. So I could make something interesting with 6 olive bones without using hands directly. I made a flover on a napkin and left it without a mind, but  it took an attention. Next day I did something else the same way, using an olive bones and a little pieces of salad and then the game started.

Kostas - the peson took care of me in dinner time was glad to see the pictures and  turned me to idea to create something more for him. So all of my GreecSaladPictures that season deducates to Kostas smile

It was about 6 different pictures becames moe and more interesting before I deside to make a photo. Actually I desided only when I created a Mermaid and fount her interesting enough to put into memory. It was a windy day when Kostas offer me my usual Geec Salad and extra italians food. When I saw the makarony I realized a fish tail hiding in it and then use it as a matherial. So you can see her: Kerkia Mermaid for Kostas, was built from salad leaves, makaroni, olive bones, cucumber, small feta cheese pieces and tomato sause (i used it as a glue because it was strong wind blowed up everything).

Two flowers in Kerkira the Mermaid picture is out of my rules to use only matherials existing on plate but it was so lovely to use it!

As I started with biggest and complicated pictures it was a challenge how to support differencies with the same food details. Next time I made a fish:

From time to time I was tired or hungry and ate everything from my plate so it was no matherial for Kostas`s pictures. That one it smaller and was made on napkin:

As I have som exta dishes it turned me to made something new. For example as I starred to sause I realized an elefant inside and did it:

That pictue the extras was a pepper, so the peaces was suitable for red sharp figures. You can see I used onion rings too:

That one is the last picture I made in my last dinner of the season. It was a kind of sad I feel all time I need to leave Corfu so I made a simple flower from tomatos, cabbages strings, watermelon bones, small peaces of cucumber, carrot and olive bones. 

If I will play that game next season it will be pictures too, so Kostas could see it more then one time smile







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