Gohua Brown Mountings: details, details, details…
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 November 2010 at 05:52 PM

Today is the gap between parts of my work activity and thanks god I get enough sleep! smile smile smile The fact is that I have several ideas for big pictures in my new technigues but also have no enough  time for it. It means the right time will be another day so I am working on the several more simple pictures such is that mountings.

The secret of experience is to make details, details, details for a picture seems a bit simple. This is the same thing as to live full life as one friend from Corfu told me. Layers of colours produce   new and new feelings. One stroke connectes with the another, it changes directions and all work from the first stage to final is like a song sings in chorus. As you see I started with several brown colours.

In Gohua style is important to create feeling as somewhere not far away from that place people lives. So all natural objects represents a power of landscape mixed with human existance. Here it is a long stair in stones winds up and up.

A simple colour seems flat so it is good to make it more interesting by mixed shadows.

Here it is the result of watercolour painting but it is ot the final picture… It needs more details.

Black ink is my favourite. I like how it smells, and the feeling how my brush slids with it. Also black ink is the ideal way to create depth. Several strokes with black ink and see the differencies:

Now this is the time for something green. Every mounting has own features how grass and trees are situating on rocks. I made trees with light green colour and then it was clear how to make surface of  rocks and bluffs. As I realized it was a huge amount of it in one not very big picture!

chinese brush is the best for details, I like it for it`s possibilities for painting and  for it bamboo handle. Bamboo is one of my favourite matherial.

Details, details for trees:

... and for another trees. Actually I was not a zealot of details before but after thet picture it changed.

Here it is the result! Be sure that hogback with rocks, stairs and everything now lives in my head. I remember every rock as if I travelles here during a week.

smile I have to make a summary for that experience. Before it I didn`t  work with many natural details and that experience was important to make changes both in my habits in painting and in my character. Sure I will use it in future projects. smile

I’m rather new to blogging and truly respect your written information. The publish has actually peaked my curiosity. 

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