Spring`s coming! That`s great! Many countries have a special day to celebrate spring, such a Female day 8 of March. So this is brand new, very fresh wallpaper with
Chinese proverb for that project : 爱不是占有,是欣赏 – Love is not about possession, it’s all about appreciation.
Download the Spring wallpaper directly pgcat.com/wallpaper/download.php
Having such an evidencce with a long-long history we are sure, the same problems existed long before, and the cure still remains helpful. Appreciation means stability, isn`t it? we can`t appreciate things which destroy our feelings of future and now. So, to have appreciation, it needs to gain sustainability of any kind. Sustainable development in local, personal scale is always the same all over the world: to make some insurance to keep power we are generating to use it then for constructive purposes.
Sometimes I read blames, female tend to stability too much and it might stop progress. Literary, that`s a stupid statement based on fear and ignorance.
It`s just point, the areas of stability between male and female could be rather different. So, it needs to investigate what`s the areas and to learn how to live your life without making a damage to another. That`s a simple natural task animals are doing, living in different ecological niches, with different food sources. If you found you are so different, move apart. If you found you strength from that differencies, keep be together.
The point is, everyone need stability to growth, even to live, more, then unstable situation which are driving the progress.
It could be stable for 51% nesessity points of life everyone want: at least stable menue, stable good products, stable place to work and have a rest. That`s not a luxury, that`s the basics!
Then you have a good ensurance to keep your line in 49% of unstable situation. And when you have a really strong resources, includes intellectual and health, you can move history ahead, make progress etc. That`s only way. Just a simpliest math. Found essential 51% , minimum, to be the chief stakeholder of your own life. Found what`s really important things you should keep strong, and gain sustainability in it. Take care to make that sourses of energy clean and fresh, that`s iportant to make your own energy renewal.
Then, if you are able, you can move progress. Even if you choose to move chaos, it needs own stability. So, I wish you to have an exciting spring and found really important things you put on your appreciation board as the best source of your energy.
Appreciation is the feeling indicates, you gain so good level of stability, as a good bakc account, so you can drop your fears and competition for the energy sources, relax, and then move ahead.
So, appreciation will come without fear, so the main energy sources will be available to use that energy. This is the same as we are facing today with climate change: the basic need to understand how to use energy in more effective and efficient way in long run.
Download so many wallpapers from PG Cat here pgcat.com/wallpaper/index.shtml
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