How to define the moment to Start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 January 2014 at 12:59 PM

Hello dear friends, today this is the question how to catch the right moment to start. Right moment is so important so we can do complicated things easily, starting in right place, in right time. What is the key to define that moment?

Keys… the key… It can be different. If you feel the energy tide from inside, this is the right moment. If you see a situation call you this is the right moment too. Sometimes we can`t feel it when it comes, but suddenly realize ourselves working with enthusiasm and joy. So the right moment start you and rule everything. So nice.

If you have a glance to people who lose chances and never have an idea to catch a chance, you can see a common point in so different cass.

Such people are unprepared. This is the key. Unprepared mentally, emotionally, or too lazy to wake up in time, or late in technology. They are unprepared and so lose chance, even the best chance comes once in all life.

So preparation in different fields is the key to right start exactly when the right moment comes.

That`s why I prepared 10 canvases on the frames.

I was ready to start 3 weeks ago, but I was tired and weak physically. It was the right moment in mu soul but not right in general. Now I prepared everything outside, but situation call to me to help my friend. So I am busy now and can`t start, so this is not the right moment too.

When the right moment will come? Where? I don`t know.

I made everything ready and keep myself waiting for it, doing important things. I feel the right moment will come in short time and I`ll return to global feeling of tens future paintings and other projects, listening uncomposed music in my soul.

Everything comes in time. Be prepared for it.







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