How to put things into right framework
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 May 2014 at 10:40 AM

When we have something big to do, sometimes it`s complicated to dial with it. Especially in case we can`t change things if a mistake occures. So it needs right framework and right time.

Doing Corporate Lifecycle Art project in energies I found it needs to be done step by step. it needs an appropriate mood also.

How to feel energies if life around goes on in different way? This is not so rare circumstances, Sometimes we plane one thing but others call for our attention. So I designed new framework for it.

First, the project needs good planing and understanding. It was good I made the base researchs last year, painting the first part of the project. So now I`ve made complimentary analysis and compare neighbour points with each others. It needs to put information in visual images so it can be decoded.

Second, I tryes several new things in the technology of the process.

Third, I am waiting to the right time. I guess it`s near. Everything is ready.

What is the matter of right time? Everyone know, things like "Bad hair day" and similar are happens. It comes independently. Sometimes I think, good time and bad time is real forces somehow influence our plans. It seems like wind blows forward and opposit to our sail.

It seems  winds of possibilities blows differently for last two months. So I was waiting, being prepared. Waiting for the right time to continue my work. So I spent last two months doing nesessary things required: finish my Sustainable development course, doing projects and group work. It seems, now it is the right time to move forward with all of it.






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