One of the most powerful desire for everyone is to gain strength, and in archetypes of Tarot system we could found that symbol . This is the final stage of the process of gaining so I would like to have a glance to such process in stages.
First of all, if you meet own strength, or strength of anothers, you could be frightened of it just because this is something you can`t control.Then we need to make next step and to do something by ourselves, to mke an attempt…We ll start from unexpectable things happens…
Then we make a situation clear and understand what resourses we really have just in our hands, in our soul and our personality… That time we couldn`t understand what exectly we seek but we should do our best to keep it moving.
Then once we realize ourselves confident inside such speed, and this is the chance to gain the best result.
This is not one but several attempts and adventures to understand yourselves qualities and what the Strength means. This is a long way in dunes during which we started to know our instruments well, to learn our limits and possibilities and to keep in touch with the Strength. So it wil be a kind of sympathy growthed into friendship and partnership. This is the middle stage to gain Strength.
The last point is to put all things in right sequence. Who is the leader, who is the follower; who could make planing and targeting and who should wait and then to actualize planing. And of course keep a kind op joyful, positive balance between two sides. This is the real Strength with which possibilities growth and future deeds will blossomed. So the final stage is the result of anothers, and we need to recall all of it.