InkSketches because of ensomnia
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 February 2013 at 07:37 AM

Tonight i couldn`t sleep so did several sketches. When my brush meets ink something happens and so it was 3 pictures, from the sadness one of the beginning to happiness at the end. I`ll start from the last.

Actually when I did the one before last it was clear what will be the next. But when I did it the picture started to chenge from my first view. Hierarchy of ideas always remains but sometimes the message could be more complicated so i allow it to flow to see what it could actually be.

Just from the first stroke it wanted to live by own life so I allow it being curious what it will be the message and how it could connect with the previous three.

It was the same in general but very different with the details. It will be obvious when I publish all of it, but that time just the last.

It wasn`t the bottom of the universe as I expected. It was no bottom and no top but the energy flows here and there and hear flattering with the wind of time.

Thing i should remember, but always hard to recall.





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