I`ve just play violn after more then 20 years delay
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 December 2012 at 01:22 AM

As I learned violin since I was 5 yeas old it associated with not pleasant things. But today suddenly I opened my old-old violin`s box, took my old-bold bow and…

Suddenly I realized a strange thing: I missed it. I missed the violine and the bow and the sounds and the way it borns. However my left hand fingers doesn`t work poperly and many techngues seems lost it was a strong feeling of energy, additional to colours flow in painting. Right hand feels as an opeating manipulator, very sensitive, also strong. The left hand feels as a Gate to the music flow, a tube from unwritten, unborn music to a solid world of realized processes.

It was a moment I didn`t remember the true thones to the strings. I made a wrong tuning the first time (it sounded beautiful anyway) and then tryed to manage it with internet tuning.

I feel this is the time to be back to music. It was hard not to listen the unwrote music, than it was not easy to listen it back. I still have small skills to music writing and still afraid to do it, afraid to be committed with unborned music, comitted to take it to life. Because the process is not a short-time. May be I do it in future.

To the rest of the day I desided to keep my attempts in order the painting must be the first and the music could take place next. I feel satisfied with the day blessed with new Skype friend, new plans and new-in-old experience, I think my mom wll like as she kept me to violine, I`ll tell it to her next day, next day, actually that day!








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