Just for fun
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Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 August 2013 at 02:02 PM

Hello everybody,

today I have nothing to say about my projects just to notice all 7 growth healthy!

Here it is hot so I swim till 12 AM then run to my apartment to have some work till 6 PM and then swim to my office rock. Yesterday was so sweet sea, totally quiet, without any waves like a liquid glass or a piece of beautiful silk. I swam inside it and felt like being inside a kind of jelly because there was no sun waves in the everning so water seemed homogeneous jade green.

Yesterday I had one funny fear. When sun was gone I prepared to leave my rock and swam to the seashore. So I began to take my flippers and suddenly a big crab run out of it. I hardly Shouted!


The crab was flat and with the same surface as the stone so I felt it as a glitch after too much sun! And it moved so quickly!

After the accident I saw a school of fishes feeding something among stones. It was funny to saw it because they  pecked as a chicken trying to eat something from a stone suface.

When I swam back it was so amazing feeling so I stayed at the seashore until dark came. Also I swam in night, about 2 AM, and inside the sea was something like glow-worms invisible but shining when I made waves by my hands. I want to extand such experience and make pictures but it`s too dark to my camera. I will keep it in my mind.





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