Many faces of the year: Happy Birthday, Anna!
ANNAmain • Date: 07 January 2014 at 08:32 PM
Dear friends,
I am going to celebrate my personal New Year! I have one good tradition for it: to make a report what was done during the year and accept the results.

Of course, the big pictures below!
Ok, let`s do the report!
2013 year I created:
18 paintings - deducate Dr.Adizes System
19 paintings - CyberWar-1 project represents modern worldwide social process
3 paintings - CyberWar-2 problem of identification and data safe in Internet
6 paintings - LifeHack seria, insights, things I love
Total amount: 46 paintings in middle/big size
Also uncounted number of drawings.
Created 2 different constructions to shoot films. Shot raw matherials for 5 films. Several plan structures, about 20 MindMaps for future project work.
Also last year I developed several rules for life and creation. Not so easy to follow it all the time but I struggled for it and gained really good effects.
I developed my Integration skills too. It seems I overcame my introvert habits and started different communications. Internal integration: I relized my child pains in music school could have a sense so I prepare to compose own music to the films. It is amazing. External integration: several world wide projects`s started. It will be developed in new year.
During my external integration I visited Greece (Corfu and my dear friends here) and Shanghai (China) and my dear friends there. Everywhere I visited my dear friends so this is my faces of the past year I love to remember all time.
I am happy and proud to keep in touch with Adizes Institute and take part in spreading the ideas in the world. It made my 2013 year exciting and happy, with possibility to touch natural energies through that context, listening people experienced in it.
Dear sirs from Adizes Institute all over the world! Thank you for your work! Let`s do new things, let`s go through changes to new possibilities!
So, this is the time to present my 42 faces. That year was so great, so powerful so I swear to develop everything in future. The future is the thing we all want to construct, so let it be as beatiful as clear waters of Corfu, as powerful as the best ideas, as exciting as… As life actually is.
Sincerely, Your Annamain, All Differencies in One.