One of the reasons I was preparing to make movies long ago is this is a new life in short time. Creating art works I make a print of Ethernity to our flat world. Yes, comparing with the core we live in flat world. Filming is the tool to make that print some more directions. That`s why I am doing it.
Changes and movements in the pure world of ideas, all of this i so powerful. Exectly the way how ideas penetrating into reality, drop by drop, then like a powerful waterfall, that way is amazing. it brings the raw ethernal power to move our world from caves to better future.
The right idea-print starts from handwork like sketches and project books. I love it because here, in raw matherials, I can touch the inicial idea in it`s changing, movement, chemistry.
That`s why I am an artist, painter, who can feel how our world is pulsing, how an event grows and explodes or grow and become muture, or became dry and the initial energy comes into something else.
That`s why my art is a kind of journalistic report. As world events and ideas isn`t a static fact, I can see them as a seria of changes. My original style bases on my talent to catch the moments of movements, key frames of an Idea`s development in our dimension.
I was suffering for many years, being unable to reflect, to mirror things correctly in classical art framework. All in one is uncorrect. even if an artist tryes to put some dynamics inside, this is like a photograph while art have much more power.
Our world is so flat, too much flat to mirror an Idea in total, the aim seemed impossible to gain. Then I realise: my art is not a one single art piece. I should do things I witnessed into seria of works. That`s why I am doing serias instead of just one. I am movie-director in painting, keeping my informational feelings healthy that way.
We all are multi-dimensional creatures. let`s trai it.
This is some frames from my first film. Now it is 4 minutes I want to transform into 3 minutes. I willgain it, making some changes in dynamics, keeping the core feeling how ideas make the world move, and so make my movie to make moves.
Thank you for being with me, keep you multi-dimensional posibilities and touch the power of heaven and earth.
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