My brain has broken into thousand pieces, tired.tired, tired
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 May 2010 at 03:56 PM

This is the hardest period of the teacher`s year. Many students are passing their exams, graduation works, also I make my lectures, working for projects and try to have the time for my painting. Just imagine the life: from the sunrise I check my e-mail to found student`s works for that day. In the morning I look like this bird: 

If they forgot to do it yesterday they try to trick and send it today morning with hope I could check it. If I don`t they will scrim "We sent our works really". Hah! I check it.

Then I go to my lectures, exams and others activity of the Head of Management department of my institute. It takes a lot of power because of needs to speak with a huge amount of people. They are not quiet. All of them wants my time and attantion. Actually I hate any tipe of exams. I hate to pass and more to judge. But it is the life!

Graduation processis not smooth for many students. They used to be lazy 5 months and then 0 in las 4-5 dayes before  the deadline. I graduation worc consist of 70-120 pages with texts, table etc. I need to read all and to make my remarks (sometimes 10-30 points!), comment it clearly and check the student`s result. It takes a lot of time. The day before yesterday a student found me at Skype at 4:00 AM and ask how I found his work.  And i need to finish several strategic progects such as new Forum and anothers. (Several nights I slept about 4-5 hours and today I was something like zomby. It is not a pleasant view really!)

Among such chaos I live with one dream to finish it and to move in blessed place - Korfu and have here peace and rest.

I dream about the sea, stones… and feel much more better. It will be another work day and I will relive smile smile smile



Something tells me that this entry has been ispired by the first full version of my thesis work)))) I’m so sorry!

Hope we get through this chaos smoothly! Most students look like zombies during this period too. Well at least I do))  But hopefully we won’t have to get through this period next year.

Can’t even imagine how tired you feel! But the work you do is really important for us! Huge thnx for the 18 comments you gave me)) 

Corfu looks like the true heaven on earth! :adding it to the places to visit list

You have all inspired me to focus on providing more informative and resource type link building posts in the future, so stay tuned for more soon.

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