Mystic Dolphin: panno in batik technigue
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 April 2010 at 12:57 PM

It is spring, the end of April. Cold, sunny, windy, cloudy, reiny and cold,  cold, cold… My internal calendar scream that cold weather should be finished.  So I imagine several decorative soft panno in batik and mixed technigues.

All cells of my body and soul need warm, grass and more then all - gentle touch of a sea. I found rest, peace and consolation in sea colors.

What is the essence of a sea? Waves, soft passage of colors, undulate lines. I sense it by skin and paint it and feel it in silence of mind.

Have you ever seen how change colors of sea near a seashore? Deep blue color of waves becames blue-green, emerald, then green, and at one moment you could openmind it as shadows of yellow, shadows of sun and sand.

I feel it as soft energy of endearment and love penetrates layers of sea water, and layers of our bodies and soul. Our blood has elements of a sea. We could open it deeply inside in what place soever. Just close you eyes and try to feel it.



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