New Graphics “Great Festival”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 September 2010 at 12:35 PM

Today (may be better to say "that noght, or that early morning? It was about 4 A.M.) I have finished the next Graphics named "Great Festival" and also have made another one ("Rising"). Small picture of "Great Festival" is here, the big one at the end of the post.

  The main idea of it is the cycle of spiritual birth and death and the way to escape it. What is the Festival? It`s may be different for diferent people. One selebrates birthday, another - re-births, or the final salutation such as glory death in samurai`s codex.

Is it possible to selebrate the escape from this cycle? What is the way to be out from it? Or may be the knowledge itself is the reason to be selebrated?

If you know it by your own experiance it is the greatest adventure  be worth to celebrate… Levels of understanding, one inside another, deeper and more clear. This is no words to explain it correctly because words forms the 2D line - but experience is 3D, may be 4D. Spiritual feeling that a soul is the same as God and rules body and forms the line of events by it… I can`t tell it is words the way lets me feel satisfy. So I paint it. You can read the visual information and let youself feel it.





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