New tasks and new aims require to organize things around in better way. It means, if you have a good organized work space, with new perspectives you need to re-organize it anyway. It is not clear how to reorder things into new order sometimes. On the picture you can see the middle of the process.
This is a kind of strange mind set when you experienced a new clothes, or new food, or new work space the first time. In my case everything looked good but something wasn`t perfect. I spent last day to try it and now is near the result. Just thinking about, this is important thing which is underestimated frequently. To be effective and efficient in short and long run it needs to systematize everything around in perfect way.
So, now I am doing that job to provide me the best work order for that year and more. Still doing it. According to my plans, I should finish 2 films about near Chinese New Year that week before I will move to UK. Let`s see, let`s do!