Painting on shirts
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 July 2010 at 11:52 AM

About 2 years I spent to modify the technigue to paint on shirts in order to keep the fabric more flexible, pleasant to use.

That one is from my collection "West spirit".

i was at the mall near me and this guy was amazing at what i call spray painting shirts. That guy is gone because he was there for the weekend, but i might want to still get something onto a shirt.

Painting on fabric is quite easy, there is no rocket science involved here. The textile paints is applied to the fabric for bonding. If you are using heat to set the painted design, it is advisable to leave it for before ironing.

Brushes is a painting application designed from scratch for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

Superior web-site. I like your placing comments system.

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