“Power to Growth” (aquarel step-by-step)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 15 October 2010 at 04:28 AM

Everything in the world are growing in a river of Time. Literary everithing - from mountings and rocks to human personality. It growth in different directions and rate and I feel it. This post represents how the picture "Power to Growth"  growth step by step smile   

1- First of all it was a power-lines by pencil allow me to feel the idea of the picture and fix it on paper.  Usially I avoid detail sketches and do only several lines. After it I made clouds and air on the wet paper.    In that work I need to act in comfortable place. So everything for work have to be closer. I used different techniguesfrom classical aquarel colrs to solid woodless aquarel pencils.   

2 - Second step was to make the tree. Actually on such pont the picture becames strange and waterworn but it is the normal for aquarel. Nevetherless I always try to pass it soon. 

3 - This is the point to make a deep breath because I like it more. I made several details and the tree on the picture begane better.   

4 - I started with rocks. This is the thing I likes may be because of nature as Capricorn.   

5 - Details of rocks ant then - leaves of the pine-tree. I did it by my make-up brush instead an ordinary pain brush because… because of everything. Make-up brushes is better sometimes.   

6 - more datails. Oh, it`s the best part of painting!   

7 - More details and my heart become happy and lauthing: I felt the dinamics itself so deeply then the picture started to tell me what to do. This is the best part of my work!   

8 - I made the power lines represents directions of growth. How I feel it it`s a mistery, but this is he strong feelings. Actually I feel it better then everything else. Power-lines has deep black color and I made it by special ink with fine brush. This is something close to chinese calligraphy.    I felt how the black lines growth, it`s breathing and character, how they communicates with each other and form the network over the colors to show us hidden things under the surface. This is the reason I am an artist, a painter. It is the way to feel more, to understand deeper, to realize hidden things.   

Here it is the result!  I have to notice something about the history of a painting. Although it seems simple usially this is a kind os soul work. As I paind I understand better something another about the life. All of my picture are symbolical and i can tell a story, several stories as I see it. May be I will tell it next time! smile





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