Remember the sea
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 October 2010 at 07:05 PM

Today is a gap between yesterday 6-hours lectures and the same tomorrow and even at Saturday. Too many students swarms around me wanted to affirm themes of their graduation works, to many calls and e-mails… It made me crazy. So I meditate to deep green and blue sea, remember how it shining and how the rocks grows.

That sketch I made sitting in Xenia cafe, Paleokastriza. This is so beautiful peaceful place with crystal sea seems as a green glass I love… I saw people jumped from the rocks and did the same. It was the rock about 3 m height (at the left side of the sketch, in the middle). It was so… so strange. I had never done it before, my maximum height was 1,5 m.  The point is to jump from 1,5 or 3m is completely the same. Only to have a courage and make the first step. I felt jump as a long moment, but not for my own movement. It seemed as the media - rocks, air and water - changed as floors in a building…

My consciousness was the same - bright point still and the world moved around. It was peripheral feeling how sea huged my body, how green water passed my body through and touched everywhere. ater I saw several Italiand guys jumped from about 7-10 m rocks at the right side of the bay (see it on sketch below). Sure I will do it next summer.

As I remembered the sea I felt a strong desire to paint. But it is the pressure of time!  Again pressure of time… But I need to do something with colors.

So I risked and imbued in sea colors my silk bed-clothes. The result is great! Why I didn`t do it before? It`s really beautiful - natural silk gently plays from emerald-green to blue. So today and in nearest future I will sleep covering with sea waves.

Very good site.

Thanks guys, I just about lost it lokoing for this.

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