Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 March 2014 at 07:22 AM

Yesterday I started the new Coursera course Irrational Behaviour which made me deep sad because of naked truth which proves by all things I see around.

I see many things I am strongly against because it produces mass and chaos much more the right clear order.

Because they use a moment of personal power to ruin things much more beautiful and productive for many people.

Predators are acting the same style the same manner, just in different scales. Sometimes they cover their deeds by "common will" which is lie, because they never listen to people in democratic way, being afraid to lost power spreading to others in normal democratic process.

They use stolen phrases and words which covers it from people who are not vigiland for manipulations.

Sometimes they are drunk by power and possibilities they juat can`t handle in right way and ego demands to make unperfect actions and to harness people, also to trick just to save energy to own purposes.

If you think I am writing about Crimea crisis, it isn`t so.

I am a witness of the same process in small scale in which a good idea was occupied and controlled the same way as dictatorship comes in all regions all over the globe. It is sadness because actions bases on technically good will, but in fact dictatorship bases of ego and ignorance in all of modifications works for worse results. Just people don`t realize what`s going on. 

I feel pity to touch such things and I decided to cancel all of my group projects until I see people are ready to act as a adult intelligent persons with full responcibility in collaboration. All I see is the sure a very few people and good designed organizations only could work without a waste of resourses.

Such waste I can`t accept.

I am back to individual project as I always do. I am happy to keep such a kind of freedom which is treasure the same way as a life. 

Just looked at some of your pictures (: i’m actually delighted i got to task darkness you. You’re fantastic!

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