The Life Codes
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 February 2011 at 04:42 PM

Scientists and soul investigators both spent hundreds years to investigate what is the things determines our life. It it DNA? Or strings of our spirit? Psychical structures and complexes? What is a structure behind-beyond visible surface of life? I spent more then 20 years trying to learn their positions and to make own investigations.

There are several natural laws for nature and it`s analogue for our life line, development of character and spiritual growth. The laws of quantum machanics stands behind sacred life of matheria, the principle of universal gravitation covers our movement on the surface of our Earth, and the Law of life-cycle manage a huge amount of processes, from human life to an  product or an organizational processes. 

Similarity of such laws allows to predict situations and it`s movement, to feel how the world  and our life moves. I feel it and can calculate so it was important to reate a base and to fix the idea in painting. I designed the appropriate style "PowerLines" especially for such purposes lond ago so use it  in paintings; exactly it suitable for Active Base 8-10.0 Inpainting as I call it.  Well, now I must to continue my painting until the colours are wet.

To think, I was confused a mintue ago.

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