The question from Formspring
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 October 2010 at 11:26 AM

What’s the last thing you want to do before you die? Or, perhaps, you just have some very important plans?

- Thank you for your question! I`ve just thinked about it, about my plans etc. You will be surprised…
It`s enough  of things I do everyday. My days are complete of activity, from painting to creating the system of self-help, from  writing to making lectures. So I feel I do anything in right time and earn a freedom in last moment to go to the sea and seat on the rocks on my hidden place, feel how the rocks growth and the green sea shining.
Despite of all as my last thing I want do nothing. Only feel and sit is silence, listening a nature music in presence of god and be prepared to ultimate freedom.

Hopes I will be able to do it in right time smile





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