The Underground Madonna
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 May 2010 at 11:59 AM

Yesterday I was running to work. My way passed by underground and I was lucky: the picture I had seen was so beautiful and exciting: Young woman not more then 23-25 years old with a baby in the sling.

She was beautiful by nature, with long blonde hear and blue eyes, fine features, miniature. It was beauty itself, but I sense something more - strong,  true, spreading in space. It was the handmade bag in patchwork style in her hands. The bag seems to be made by herself, from velvet pentagons patchwork style.  Everything in her was exactly in place. There was no expensive things or stylish accessories. No glamour or artificial things.
She and the baby was simple in the way makes people silent and rest. Such aspiration is deeply inside us.
The essence of warm, love, softness, tenderness; silence and rest. It seems if the waves of harmony and peace flows around her. The saint thing, pure and divine, which so rare meets in everyday bustling. The essence of divine rest and safety, and care I`ve seen before only in dreams.
You know, it is forbidden to use camera in saint places, such as Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai. I agree with it. Camera could make a perfect picture but also it lives the point  instead of us. We can`t be involve in a process if we are trying to shoot it. Then, disturbed by shakes of the undeground wagon, I made my unperfect scetches by hands.
The thing I want sense more and never forget.

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