Twenty days inside changings of automn
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 October 2012 at 08:51 PM

As I see it`s about 20 days I didn`t write here. That time I was changing my interior, got out old heavy expensive furniture and stand new light modern and functional; and i wasn`t able to paint because of chaos everywhere, and try not to scream remembering late summer days.

Automn is depressive time for me, although I value the beautiful colours of nature, thoughts about coldness and cabbage-clothes influences me more. So the memory about sun and the sea becames something like another-life experience and it was not about me because I stuck here and have to welcome winter. That time I forget things burned out in my mind…

Lighting flow of shadows and gentle lines of leafs of the trees; joyful changes of sun spots during the day, positive dark blue colour of evernings, gray shadows in full moon night, and warm beauty of green freshness inside emerald seawaves. Remembering colours, remembering movement I feel better for a while, so…

Dancing live shadows…

Trees as it could be in Rivendell:

Don`t see the surface of the picture. Try to feel moving ligths and sun spots and dance of the trees, up and up, deadly slow dance in flow of nature changes…

Colours lives just above the surface of things, lives by it`s own life, fulfill thirst of the stones:

Hours of silent observing, among human life boiled around without touching my world of living energy i fell…

Painting is not the reason but this is the way to feel better things people usually don`t pay attention. Rithm of the place is the first music, puls of the energy is the first source so with so slow human senses I have to paint it, have to catch many-dimentions peception by hands.

Winter is the time I can remember better because of sence deprivation and dark, may be I`ll paint it in manner i`ve never used before, who knows?





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