Two Funny Fishes on brother`s shirt
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 June 2010 at 06:49 PM

Lady and Gentlemen! Dear friends! Anna have the day out of work and get enough sleep the first time at that month! Oh my god! How small things could make us happy! So I want to introduce you my resent work:

It was the awful day, full of unprepared graduation works refered to me and students unready to prepare their graduation works by themselves. Than I fell myself so bad and had to recur to my art. Art and painting recover me from all situations, but I had no blanks for it… so I stole a white shirt of my brother Alex and did with it something you can see at the picture.

The technolagy to paint it I developed last september 2009 (the period I , did my  t-shirt collection, taught Mary Terechina and created the site  ). It is hard to paint on fabrics bacause you can`t  controle the colors and water. Everything based on hight intuition and feeling of grains of fabric. The water and colors flows in differend ways depends on type of fabric,  direction of stratchin, nature of fabric etc. So the techigue needs a great experience of work with water colors, deep understanding the final idea and sense of the process. So that work is somethig like meditation and pure zen.

...But it`s enough of  philosophy! Tjis is my new design deducated to fishes. Why fishes I don`t remember; if I do I`ll tell you. Let`s see it smile .

Also I did several another designs I`ll show lated and created a funny cat-yoga pictures you can see later.





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