What are you doing right now?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 February 2014 at 12:23 PM

Hello everybody, it was so busy week so I didn`t write posts. Freecat the Wise, the best in the world IT specialist, spent his time doing upgrade to the blog. As a true cat he demonstrated his result (see previous post). He chose the most terrible cat so people could think I am crazy!..

 I was in shock too seing the roared hungry cat right on the first page of my blog!

Describing my past week I can say it was a tension to put my ideas in framework of future organization we want to create.

Also I was doing my coursera work watching lectures, answering quizes.

This is the first time I take care to make quizes to gain best result.

While spring is near, the weather was changing all the time so my head wanted to be stupid and made a kind of strike.

But I was persistant and did everything! smile

However I forgot to spell the word "quiz" for the picture it have a sense: such "quize" associates with "squeeze" feelings of last week. So let it be a kind of remembrance for the last week of winter.

Seriously, this is the first time I agree to move my painting plans to another month. Because many things call for my attention immideately.

I feel myself dry without painting, not so good but I can`t just do it part time. It should be as a sea, without narrow banks, so I can be far away from here, far away from anxiety, in pure creation.

Although I didn`t make paintings I spent my time planing what it will be that year and now choose the framework and the first project for it.

Now this is the time to be back to my new student life and to learn what is it for the Sustainable Development course, Week 6.





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