World Culture: Motivating Strategy Wallpaper by PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 April 2015 at 10:33 AM

Hello everybody, today I would like to present you Motivating Strategy wallpaper by PG Cat`s World Culture project. Our subject is time. Time is one of the rarest thing you unable to buy. And nobody can. Lifecycle is our preset law so the best thing to do is to know how it works in order to catch you best moment. (click the pic)

Speaking about how brain works, it is the objective periods of neuro-network specific activiy. In young period special hormones and neuromediators are producing by brain and body glandes. All are designed by nature to increase adaptation and to put inside more information to fix it in special neuro-chains. Mirror neurons form the special system to reflect and copy information in the most quick way. The whole body works for it. A lots of body energy are here to serve the nature. It will not be the same in the next periods so this is your natural deposit, a credit from Nature bank. As any credit, it needs to be processed correctly and put onto a business which will feed you for the rest of your life. That business in your own system of beliefs, knowledge, customs and aims.

That time the basic contrarity between human and animal parts of our neture appears.

It bases on the morphology of our brain so nobody could avoid it. The way to overcome and to use it for yourself is to process it carefully.

When all of glands and body systems work in boost moods, the only person who can put it into the right direction is you. Forming our aims we create own access to rule our life. Without aims and strategy the animal nature will rule, and nature is a cruel thing never care about individuals. Nature works in big numbers, in statistics, to nourish young in order to waste them after using (tha`s why animals in nature rarely growth into full lifetime age). That time animal part of our brains requires for a freedom (it seems as a freedom), and human nature requires to control own impulses and to learn how to be the best, to put aside animal impulses for the sake of you best human aims. This is the only way to success.

Having a good system of own plans, beliefs, nourishing progressive customs you became a CEO of your own life and gain all success. Appeasing animal impulses is the road to be enslaved and abandoned soon.

So people are different in their possibility to take control of their life.

Although it is not so pleasant to keep discipline for education, and obviously it is not easy to educate yourself, to learn how to think, it is the best way to win.

In our quick time changes it is so important to check and catch new possibilities to gain next step of development. Possibilities could be never available later, so everything you can do in time comes into your own neuro-network as the base of your future success. More, it constructs your life for the next periods of human Lifecycles and keeps your brain strong.

All things you are developing in early age is the base of neuro-network to process your future needs and gain success.

It worth to invest your time and to overcome internal resistance of animal nature and to harness it for your aims. Practically applied knowledge, revised experience and aims is the best investment, I am speaking it by my own experience.

That`s not just an opinion, this is how human brain works.

More wise inspiring wallpapers from World Culture project by PG Cat   download here

With my respect to the book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb "Antifragile: things that gain from Disorder". All I am doing is targeted to gain Antifragile state for everyone. Be successful with the best!





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