#16 2012, LifeHack Seria: Half-Resolved
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 September 2012 at 11:45 AM

I`ve just finished the couple-painting to previous "Fear and Courage discussing a Problem". It`s not a diptich but has logical and spiritual connections so I name it "a couple-painting". Why not twins as several others?

Because i didn`t paint it at the same time. It was the gap about a week when O started that one named "Half-Rsoulved". If you try to feel it by name you could imagine how buddha head was half-resolved in the sea of emotions so it seems as a destruction. But if you try to feel it in the context of "Fear and couage" and imagine it in the position on a wall below  "Fear and couage" you can feel that the term "half-resolved" connectes with a problem. The top of the "Half-Resolved" is the same emotional fire colores as "Fear and Courage", but on the bottom it is blue colours of clear calm waters; and deeper, deeper in it you can found buddha, calmness inside youself.

Being calm you can resolve every problem. Being cristal sincere in your heart you could gain happiness. Overcome your fear and found how strong internal nature is, so go deeper inside, try it, and even in the beginning your problems becomes half-resolved.





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