#1 AB Painting 2013, LifeHack Seria: Too Long Waiting
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 February 2013 at 05:33 PM

The hightest advantage to be an artist is to ba able to transform everything into Art. Things usually unpleasant becames worth to exist that way, every experience became a new project. I`ve finished my first in 2013 AB painting, of course it was the twins but that time i did it separately.

What is the essence of waiting? I see here several issues. As you are agree and feel as a situation leads by something powerful, with all authority and keeps a constructive way, I agree - such waiting could be pleasant. But that painting represents the opposite side.

As you feel yourself prisoned by unperfect forces, not skilled and out of your control, but you have to be involved, feeling squizzed and frozen one time… What`s happens if it will be longer then you could overcome without aftermath? It consists of several points, from struggle with a superior power, then angrity, then it will be anxiety how to handle things belongs to you own competence, better as good as it possible. Then it comes to the cyclone low-pressure area. Everything becomes frozen that place.

In the eye of storm you do nothing, just to be here, waiting.



It seems quiet for the first glance. But if it goes on and on, until you will lost the sense of time.

This is the place of calm. But calm isn`t good for sailing-ship. Everything becames frozen. You can feel how your muscles becomes stone, your skin lost sensitivity, and hands couldn`t be operated.

That moment God have time to make transformations, like to reload a Matrix, not pleasant feeling because you remains conscioushess being stoned, but something is changing that way.

Something is borning just in time like a buterfly from it`s cocoon, and your duty that time to be quiet and don`t move and even more

- try to feel what really happens and how new world appears, just in one step, jut in one minute from yours.

That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great potsnig!

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