#8 Point of Corporate Lifecycle: Salem-city
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 December 2013 at 05:55 PM

Hello friends,

Today I would like to present you "Salem-city" painting.

It was no problem to imagine it because such point of Lifecycle used to be a big part of life in previous times and it remains for today in several organizations. It seems sometimes Salem-city starts before Aristocracy comes to exists. I observed it as the back side of Aristocracy on the lower positions of management. It starts from destruction of projects an so prepares the situation to destroy people more easy way.

It seems a kind of homogeneous similarity and connection between Premature Aging and Salem-city. Something in structure seems invert but in the core there is something very similar.

That`s the destruction, sometimes hidden, sometimes it smells sweet, sometimes it cimes in agressive style, with many faces.
So I am questioning what is the early signs of the process?  How to diagnose it before weels of destruction have turn?

Being a witness of that process I came to conclusion it was a kind of ancient rithual, sometimes very close to cannibalism. I saw how people with strong life feeling remained healthy in such circumstancies. Unfortunately such health made them feel pain when prosecutors was anaesthetized by their fear.

That point of life is the most painful for me. As I saw it destruction pointed on the best parts of the life, most lively, prospective,  yangest. It works against life. All things sucrificed for nothing, no result just a ghost of fever activity. It melts high position managers in complicity with illusion of safe.
I guess if people understand what is the metter of that point of Lifecycle, and how it comes just on the way Aristocracy comes it will be less losses. That`s the reason to lears LifeCycle.
Thank you for being with me,







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