#4 2012 Gallery:Great Silk Road-1: Imagine, Mind, Talk, Start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 March 2012 at 06:51 PM Comments(1)

It was about 10 dayes to think how the process of trade starts, from a single merchant to trade companies with caravans of camels and ships… It started from human imagination.


Our imagination could communicate with deep subconsciousness contains programs of development of our world. We start to dream and then start to think how to turn our dreams into reality. As we think about an idea we polish it and one moment we realise it as something close to our real life. Than starts the third step of the process by making discussions.

If we could talk about an idea with somebody who have the same interest our understanding growth. That way we could accept an assistant or form a union, it seems in the beginning of the Great Slk Road it was the same: imagination turned thinking, thinking turned discussions and then it was started with a company. This AB painting points on it.

My Active February
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 March 2012 at 06:46 PM Comments(2)

This february was fruitful for me. I`ve painted several AB pictures with less head ache and back pain as it was last year so I am   glad for it smile

I`ve started new AB seria
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 February 2012 at 09:12 AM Comments(3)

I`ve started new ActiveBase Painting seria about Great Silk Road. Deeply impressed with the idea how our civilization grew I suddenly realized how trade in ancient ages became the most integrative factor and changed last patchwork-world in modern global community. Great Silk Road was one of the most important and unical possibilities of human mind based the development of human civilization both generaly and particularly. So I`ve started investigate the subject I interested in from my childhood and then to express it in paintings; hope coming soon.

#3 2012 Gallery: “(BB) Big Business-4:Catching the Bull”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 15 February 2012 at 05:37 AM No comments

BB is the abbreviation of "Big Business" therefore Bibi is the short name of that picture because from the beginning I feel it as a living creature trying to realize herself in our reality. I feel proud to be a witness and help her to be.

(Big pictures below)

All of us have something in our life we recognize as the Big Business. It could be a real business so important for us we feel it as a Big one. It could be really big business such as transnational corporation or IT innovation changing our future. Also it could be the way we make our realiization gaining more knowledge and wisdom during we do our duties in different brunches. Everything is parts of the Big Business of our life by which we are participating with God creation.

As a Buddhist I pay my attention to steps people make and keep consciousness from one to next, feeling differencies, trying to understand. From Science we know about objective steps a process and how it develops so we could make a forecast how to act and what to expect. (So my religious and science are together in this field the same way as the brain works.) That painting represents the four step in Business living cycle and more - the 4 position of Buddhists history of Ten Bulls en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Bulls  

It sounds a lttle bit mental but I feel it, feel what layes under it and how it was created, feel enegry of that part - Catching the Bull. The Bull means great energy so big we can`t observe it at all but we have a potential authority to use it, to direct and to make it more cultured, this is the mission of human towards existant processes. As we fulfill that mission we are trying to catch the Bull and at least keep astride, sometimes having a struggle with the Bull and our fears, balancing between our weaknesses and great wild energy we have to control.

Symbolically that stuggle contains in our deep subconsciousness so in many countries we can see games with bulls represents that symbol en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullfighting  . When we do our own Big Business this great energy catches up us and takes us away in wild ride from the past to a future, sometimes it`s dengeous and sometimes we have to pay a price of that riding.

Have you ever imagine how to feel it in energy terms? Social energy represents in several indexes of economics statistically shows how our world live, how it beath and have changes. Economics indexes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_(economics) indicates how future growth from past and when people undestand it they could rule business better. Understanding is not only mental thing of course, it need feeling how world changes, feeling of energy.

Many pocesses like that is fast. We all need strength and persistence, sometimes work hard and catch our Biig Business Bull so hard we can`t notice how we are tired and how our hands becames stronger. (The same way I didn`t notice my hands and brushes becames coloured, no ideas how I gained it! grin )

Step by step we could break in our energy Bull, but the meaning of step 4 is to catch the Bull and keep to ride. This is the final picture of "(BB) Big Business-4: Catching the Bull Runs Through Economics Indexes".   It is big 100x110 cm (actually a little bit more) and I plan to paint all story that year.

2012 Gallery #2: Keeping Calm
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 February 2012 at 07:57 PM Comments(3)

We all live in informational ocean with it`s tides and storms and streams. Noone could analize it at all and to react properly we needs only one thing: to keep calm inside data cyclone. Yoga s the best way to manage it.

That painting represents such position of mind as Yoga Tree Asana en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vriksasana . During changes inside changes we could found the balance of body and mind, stand so firmly as a tree with it`s roots, trying to gain heavens and keeping calm while we growth. Amazing balance between fixation and stretching means our mind remains lear and could evaluate things live brings to us, let inconsiderable things gone away and absorb the pure energy of situation. All things becames clear as we keep calm.

2012 Gallery, #1: Mnemosyne Tired Inside Memory Card
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 February 2012 at 06:26 AM No comments

In modern  world we have technical level over sci-fi writers could imagine. During last 20 years progress of memory devices runs from big 5 inch disc (1,2 Mb) to MSD cards of novadayes, small size containers of more then 64 Gb. We all depend of memory. Today our devices takes the great part of informational storage and therefore we depend from it.

It turns me to the idea about what is our own human memory.

Mnemosyne is Ancient Greecs goddess of memory (Wiki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mnemosyne  ) According to the myth Mnemosyne gives birth to 9 Musas functionally suports all branches of Human culture. Symbolically it means our Memory is the sourse of our future and past and it`s true. That`s why victorious agressors seeks to erise native history, native languiges and remembering of late freedom of a beaten side. Mnemosyne as a Live memory with it`s emotions, life experience, feelings, body languige, information datas used to live inside people. And now it moves into memory cards.

Due to more and more capasity of memory cards people wants to make it fill as fast as it possible. Trying to increase their life experiance they make more and more pictures, faster and faster, and memory cards stores it more then human memory could. But our own live memory is the same as in ancient dayes, it needs more time to relive and absorb life experience. So in fact placing more and more datas inside memory cards people have less self experience, less self existence, less own remembrance, less possibility to think about and therefore less life being in illusion they have more. Such a paradox!

I`m not act against technical progress, actually I like it. But I strongly belive then Human personality bases on possibility to think about life experience, relive it, analize it, possibility to make own opinion, and never depends from the speed people makes pictures, fills memory cards and downloads it to internet.

Mnemosyne today works much more then in Ancient times, but she is really tired storing herself into memory cards.

I`ve finished two and starts a new big one!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 February 2012 at 12:16 AM No comments

I am proud to announce new 2 paiintings`s finished (pictures will be tomorrow). And I`ve just started a new big one, I call it BB - Bibi (why it will be explained after finishing). I`ve a strong feeling about Bibi while I was going home after my today lectures so I made the skech immideately and started to work when I back home. That one is really big, about 120 cm long so I feel tired working with it about 5 hours staying in Gollum`s position when he climbed among Mordor`s rocks.
Oh my poor back! Oh my nose, I am full of chemistry smells, especially white-spirit. Thanks god this is -15 degrees cold and I can open my window to leave smells before sleeping.
And now I desire only three things: to have a shower, go to bed and to sleep at least 8 hours!

Preparation`s completed, Gallery 2012`s started
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 January 2012 at 12:01 PM Comments(3)

Ok, today I prepare canvas and frames, brushes, colours and my sketches. I`ve just put 6 canvases on it`s frames and placed it to my master place. Deadly tired, so strange, may be because of the weather -20 cold today. I want to sleep… and happy to make everything ready for next 2012 Gallery creation. Happy New Painting Year, then! smile

Lazy too much
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 January 2012 at 11:04 AM Comments(1)

I was too much lazy last week because of technical problems with Internet and so several new paintings and ideas hasn`t presented yet. Here it is -15 degrees cold, sun is shining, and now we have holidayes in the Institute and I sleep alot dreaming about green-green waters of sea. Oh if I could close my eyes and then open it in summer! There are 6 months between me and sea-stones, and 2 months between me and China I plan to visit. This time not for sleeping, I have a lot of ideas waiting to be realized so don`t be lazy, Anna, let`s start to work!

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