2014 Adizes Art Project: it`s started!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 January 2014 at 09:00 PM No comments

Ok, the holidays finished and I am going to work! Several lectures per week and  many plans surround me all time.  Today I`ve started the process!

It`s the most annoying job in whole painting process: to put canvas on frames. They says I should enjoy it as a kind of meditation. I sould but actiually don`t. It`s seems as a waist of time. That`s why I prefer to it all frogs one time and to put at least 10 canveces on frames. At least it will be finished in one day and so allow me to paint free about a month without desturbing! So the process has started today. Now it`s night and I have 8 hours of lecturing next Saturday and Sunday so I have to go to bed now. See you! smile


Many faces of the year: Happy Birthday, Anna!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 January 2014 at 08:32 PM No comments

Dear friends,

I am going to celebrate my personal New Year! I have one good tradition for it: to make a report what was done during the year and accept the results.


Of course, the big pictures below! smile  Ok, let`s do the report!
2013 year I created:

18 paintings - deducate Dr.Adizes System
19 paintings - CyberWar-1 project represents modern worldwide social process

3 paintings - CyberWar-2 problem of identification and data safe in Internet
6 paintings -  LifeHack seria, insights, things I love

Total amount: 46 paintings in middle/big size

Also uncounted number of drawings.

Created 2 different constructions to shoot films. Shot raw matherials for 5 films. Several plan structures, about 20 MindMaps for future project work.

Also last year I developed several rules for life and creation. Not so easy to follow it all the time but I struggled for it and gained really good effects.
I developed my Integration skills too. It seems I overcame my introvert habits and started different communications. Internal integration: I relized my child pains in music school could have a sense so I prepare to compose own music to the films. It is amazing. External integration: several world wide projects`s started. It will be developed in new year.
During my external integration I visited Greece (Corfu and my dear friends here) and Shanghai (China) and my dear friends there. Everywhere I visited my dear friends so this is my faces of the past year I love to remember all time.
The best part of last year is my work with Dr. Ichak Adizes   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adizes.
I am happy and proud to keep in touch with Adizes Institute and take part in spreading the ideas in the world. It made my 2013 year exciting and happy, with possibility to touch natural energies through that context, listening people experienced in it.

Dear sirs from Adizes Institute all over the world! Thank you for your work! Let`s do new things, let`s go through changes to new possibilities!

So, this is the time to present my 42 faces. That year was so great, so powerful so I swear to develop everything in future. The future is the thing we all want to construct, so let it be as beatiful as clear waters of Corfu, as powerful as the best ideas, as exciting as… As life actually is.

Sincerely, Your Annamain, All Differencies in One.

2 days before my personal New Year!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 January 2014 at 12:46 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I have just 2 days before my personal New year, I mean my birthday. So I started my usual procedure to check what was done in that year and what it will be next.

Wow, I did a lot! Check list will be later, now it`s just a picture about it!

Happy New 2014 Year!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 December 2013 at 05:06 AM No comments

Dear friends!

Today is the last day of 2013 year. How do you feel it?

Next day will be the rare conjunction of the first Solar month day and the first Lunar month day. So this is the best time to make wishes!

I want to congratulate you with New 2014 year and wish you to be healthy, with strong good family, with best friends and soulmates!

About surrounding I wish you to turn all changes to new possibilities and to try fresh taste of new decisions!

Just be awake and try it!


                       your Annamain

P.S. Two fluffy heroes from the pics isn`t mine so I want to congratulate their owners too with respect to an artist who made the pictures of the pets.



Life stream
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 December 2013 at 06:27 PM No comments

Dear friends! When we live our life we are in the stream. Sometimes it is not so easy to make a break and realise what exactly is going on and what is the period of LifeCycle we are passing.

In real life we have no possibilities to stop, sometimes no chance to have a break, even to make a pause. So what we can do?

That moment we need to understand so the only way to do it is to have a glance from outside. Better from high position to realize the picture in total, with a system view.

That is the function of the end of a period, such as the end of calendar year.


Now this is the time to pay some attention to the passing year and to make several marks what it was, what positions we gained, what was our gradient. So… It will be the last painting in the LifeCycle seria presented next week.

Merry X-mas! :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 December 2013 at 06:58 AM No comments

Whatever you do - do it perfectly
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 December 2013 at 07:17 AM No comments

Sometimes looking hi-resolution TV or pictures of nature I think about perfection. Perfect beauty of nature is so penetrative, so clear and so powerful then we can recharge ourselves just observing it. The way rocks curving around waterfalls, the way shells became pink inside…

If you are a cat owner you can see how perfect  whiskers moves… Little things. Perfection of nature means our possibility to touch it and became fresh, gain new levels of personality and achievements. We have our possibility to syncronize, to be resonant with it. This is the way to growth our roots in sacred place of immortality. One step to resonant it, the second to mirror it. then everything becomes new, refreshed, powerful, full of true energy.

I am standing near creation one world wide process now.

#9 Point of Corporate Lifecycle: the Bureacracy point
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 December 2013 at 01:03 PM No comments

Hello friends, Today I would like to present you "Bureacracy point"  painting

Transition from   to   Is easy.

When I investigated inner space of human fears it was a special one presented in many horrible movies.
It includes several typical characters represents in all human sosieties as an Archetypes.
Living mummies. Ghosts.Zombie.
The worstn nightmares I used saw.
It was an interesting question why it was so scaring.
Many evil creatures represents in Archetypes (and movies) are much more powerful. Verwolfs, devils, demons, war creatures are not so scaring being much more powerful and destructive.
Whait is the reason?
I had that question and I founded the answer.

Active evil represents life. It can be an evil life, with strange habits, but the main characters is the same as for normal life (eating,  greed, emotions, desires, plans). It put such active creatures on the high rank of hierarchy. Sometimes they seems so natural so people associates with them (as in new film about vampires "Twilight"). Sometimes such evil creatures looks like just in one step from everyday people.
But zombie etc are another case.
It`s passive. It`s unnatural. Something, not Somebody.
This is the border. This is the cold horror. It is so un-natural so occupies the low positions in hierarchy.
This is something broken deeply inside, spirit gone, but still moving, still trying to rule, trying to make influence to the living world.
This is Bureacracy.

Such intervention is mechanical. Pretending to be functional it is an imitation by nature. It "lives" using real living energy but make nothing in return. Zombie use living energy just for itself, to feed own moves and no more. So zombie is enthropy without reason, without target. It use energy for nothing. And it still has human-like shape so it could be a moppet to more high hierarchy creatures, not good of cource. Active evil power could use it. From the other hand normal living creatures hardly able to have benefits from zombie systems.
Because zombie systems eat energy from living by cloak of a legal service.
It can`t be an appropriate service because of it`s nature: to use living energy to support own anti-life.

Traditionally people pay attention to active evil. But passive evil is more dengerous sometimes. No symptoms, no pain so no reason to ask a question about desease. Desease is energy loss like AIDS. It is not Death but Dying.
This is the process which can be more long and much more destructive then pure honour death.

In compare with previous paintings you can see no living anargy here. No living Yellow colours. No movements.

Dark, dust, enervate. But still formally powerful.
Still with authority.
Still covering by past trust.
Sometimes it covers itself by good ideas and masks.
In the worst this is (A) power of concentration camp.
This is the most scaring point in the LifeCycle.
One great psychology experiment proves how passive "zombie"  behaviour can be produced by special circumstances in normal people.
For example Stanford prison experiment (SPE) by Dr.P.Zimbardo represents how passive obeying produce an active evil http://www.prisonexp.org/ . Participants were recruited and told they would participate in a two-week prison simulation.  Out of 70 respondents, Zimbardo and his team selected the 24 males whom they deemed to be the most psychologically stable and healthy.
The guards and prisoners adapted to their roles more than they were expected, stepping beyond the boundaries of what had been predicted, leading to dangerous and psychologically damaging situations. After C.Maslach confronted Zimbardo (the creator of (A) rules of the Experiment)  and forced him to realize that he had been passively allowing unethical acts to be performed under his supervision, Zimbardo concluded that both prisoners and guards had become grossly absorbed in their roles and realized that he had likewise become as grossly absorbed in his own, and he terminated the experiment.

It was the evidence how (A) rules creates the worst situation and most destructive roles even for normal people.

More or  less rigid cases of Beaurocracy represents everywhere in normal life. It is so invitingly to forget it so it needs more historical, philosophy and cultural tools to understand what is the problems of that point of corporate LifeCycle.

Thank you for being with me,

#8 Point of Corporate Lifecycle: Salem-city
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 December 2013 at 05:55 PM No comments

Hello friends,

Today I would like to present you "Salem-city" painting.

It was no problem to imagine it because such point of Lifecycle used to be a big part of life in previous times and it remains for today in several organizations. It seems sometimes Salem-city starts before Aristocracy comes to exists. I observed it as the back side of Aristocracy on the lower positions of management. It starts from destruction of projects an so prepares the situation to destroy people more easy way.

It seems a kind of homogeneous similarity and connection between Premature Aging and Salem-city. Something in structure seems invert but in the core there is something very similar.

That`s the destruction, sometimes hidden, sometimes it smells sweet, sometimes it cimes in agressive style, with many faces.
So I am questioning what is the early signs of the process?  How to diagnose it before weels of destruction have turn?

Being a witness of that process I came to conclusion it was a kind of ancient rithual, sometimes very close to cannibalism. I saw how people with strong life feeling remained healthy in such circumstancies. Unfortunately such health made them feel pain when prosecutors was anaesthetized by their fear.

That point of life is the most painful for me. As I saw it destruction pointed on the best parts of the life, most lively, prospective,  yangest. It works against life. All things sucrificed for nothing, no result just a ghost of fever activity. It melts high position managers in complicity with illusion of safe.
I guess if people understand what is the metter of that point of Lifecycle, and how it comes just on the way Aristocracy comes it will be less losses. That`s the reason to lears LifeCycle.
Thank you for being with me,



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